Hey there! I’m Peter.
Family Man
What would you like to know?
Operating in Charlottetown since 2019. Professional Maritime photographer since 2007.
The name Lighthouse Studios is a nod to Island life, and the studio housing lights.
Focused on portrait and product photography using commercial lighting and composition techniques.
Photography has been a part of my life since I was 14 and I picked up my first real camera with a long lens on it. Seeing the world through a different lens, and one that I controlled, was — to sound cringey cliche — totally eye opening.
After attending art school for graphic design, painting, and photography, I started shooting professionally in the fall of 2007.
My work consisted mainly of family portraits and weddings until 2010 when I entered the realm of product photography.
More recently, after spending some time working as the photographer and digital assets manager for a large company in the food service and janitorial industries, I focused my attention on operating my own small business.
I have fun and try to add some dynamic to my work. I like what I do and I hope you like what I do too.
I have been an artist since the day I could hold a crayon and make a mark on paper. Making stuff - literally making anything - has been a driving force within me my entire life, including: painting, drawing, building furniture, sculpture, writing, animation, and making snow people - to name a few.
I care about the environment. A lot, actually. While I’d prefer not to rely on gas and oil and burning fuel, it is currently unavoidable for me. I do minimize my carbon footprint as much as possible wherever possible.
Oh, you want to know more?
One time I met Bill Clinton when I bartended at a resort… that was cool. I bet he totally remembers me.
I’ll go to whatever lengths are necessary to get the shot!
I have three brothers and two sisters. And thanks to them, I have 16 nieces and nephews that call me Uncle Peter. My wife, Kari, says we have a weird sense of humour. She’s not wrong.
Before Kari and Flora, it was just me and my dog Coba. In a canoe sometimes. Now it is me, Kari, Coba, our other dog Willie, our cat Guinness, and of course Flora - our sweet little girl.
During my 20s, I was firefighter. I miss that.
Even though I rarely catch anything, sometimes there’s nothing better to do than stand in the middle of a river with a fishing rod.